I love quick and simple recipes and this one hits the mark! We used Olive Morada's White Peach Balsamic - the possibilities are endless. This recipe is adapted from our friend Maria Emmerich, who is the keto guru. She and her husband Craig have amazing recipes and extensive knowledge for health and wellness living a keto lifestyle. We will list all the links to follow Maria and Craig below.
Peach Balsamic Ice Cream.
5 egg yolks
1/2 cup Swerve granulated sugar
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
4 Tablespoons of Olive Morada's Peach Balsamic
1/4 tsp fine sea salt
In a mixing bowl place the egg yolks and sweeteners in to mix on high with a hand mixer. Whip yolks until light in color and double in size. Stir in the whipping cream and rest of ingredients.
Please see Maria's recipe for option to cook the custard before adding to ice cream machine.
Place into your ice cream machine. and watch the magic happen within 45 or according to your ice cream maker’s directions.
Freeze until set or stir in your favorite swirl flavor to mix it up. Makes 5 servings.
Our Peach Balsamic does contain 9 grams of natural sugar (from the fruit), and 9 grams of carbs per tablespoon. Maria's Vanilla Bean recipe is completely sugar-free and can be found here:
Marie Emmerich Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Follow Maria on Instagram on @mariaemmerich AND @sugarfree_kids_
On FB at https://www.facebook.com/ketoadapted
Her amazing website/blog can be located here: